David Felice - Psychotherapist - Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Family Support and Counselling During Legal Challenges

With my extensive experience in liaising with the Courts and Corrective Services, I specialise in aiding families during the trying times that follow when a parent or caregiver faces detention or incarceration. Understanding and addressing the emotional upheaval that children endure in these situations is crucial.

David Felice - Psychotherapist - Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Working with children

Children are acutely aware of their parents’ emotional states, absorbing the impact both directly and indirectly. They, too, grapple with feelings of loss and grief, while attempting to navigate the shifting landscape of their lives. In such circumstances, it’s vital to acknowledge and support their unique experiences and emotional needs.

David Felice - Psychotherapist - Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Preserving the family dynamic

Providing counselling during these stressful periods is not only beneficial for those facing legal charges but also plays a significant role in preserving and enhancing the family dynamic. This approach helps in mitigating the emotional toll on the family, fostering resilience and understanding among all members during these challenging times.